How to get rid of your depression

The usual treatments for depression are prescription antidepressant medications which, in theory, work by increasing levels of “feel good” brain chemicals. But prescription antidepressants work for less than half of those who try them and have a high relapse rate. There’s evidence they are no more effective than a placebo, but have a lot more side effects. If you’ve…

How To Respect Other People

You want to be respected, but you’re not sure how this whole thing works. The key here is to stop focusing on you, and start thinking about others. How can you help others? How can you inspire change, growth, and innovation? When you think about the people you respect deeply, what do they do differently…

The Tricks That Make People Respect You More

My task for you before you continue reading: Try to choose one of the principles listed below and focus on improving that. You will notice significant changes in how people treat you if you can improve in just ONE of these areas. 1. Admit when you’re wrong and be humble about your mistakes I remember a friend in…

How to stop Hurting People

While the word “nice” has a common use that means pleasant or enjoyable in general as in ‘have a nice day,’ ‘a nice person,’ or ‘a nice job,’ the word does not have the praiseworthy meaning that the word kind signifies. The virtue of kindness expresses charity in small and large ways that include both…

Don’t hurt Yourself

Life isn’t always a smooth ride.  It’s easy to stumble and fall and hurt yourself.  But these bumps and bruises are a necessary part of your growth – you fall down, you learn something, and then you brush yourself off and move forward. The problem is, sometimes you fall and get stuck in one place…

Be Optimistic

When challenges come our way, it may be easy to succumb to negative thoughts. But look on the bright side—optimistic thinking isn’t just in our heads. Thinking positively can also boost our physical and mental health. The Power of Positive: The Need-to-Know Optimistic thinkers tend to anticipate the best possible outcome in any situation. (For instance: “I…

Be Positive

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” ― Lao Tzu Each of us has a set of messages that play over and over in our minds. This internal dialogue, or personal commentary, influences…

Food for your Healthy

Eating healthy is an important part of life. Many of us strive to eat as healthy as possible every day, but are you really consuming the best nutrients for your body? There are countless “superfoods” on the market. These foods boast so many health benefits that they’re referred to as superfoods because of their many…

Let’s lives Healthy

Live healthy, live longer Making just a few changes in your lifestyle can help you live longer. A recent study found that four bad behaviors—smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and veggies—can hustle you into an early grave, and, in effect, age you by as many as 12 years….

Appreciate to Others

Learning how to show appreciation daily for everything is one of the highest emotional states you can experience. Many people find that it requires great diligence to cultivate a persistent attitude of appreciation. That’s because we’ve been culturally conditioned to focus on what we don’t have, rather than appreciation for what we’ve already received and achieved….

Ways To Appreciate Your Life

I love this time of year. The holiday season reminds us all of the importance of family and of counting our many blessings. Whenever we tap into the power of gratitude, we feel happier and more fulfilled. Even if we’re striving to reach new goals in our lives, feeling gratitude can make us all realize how…